Hi Community,
I wish I could calm down and STOP reading. The anxiety of the unknown is overwhelming and I am trying to not stress my entire family as I go on this quest for information. I feel so raw.
Two questions: 1 relates to FAO and the other Asthma.
For FOA, most of the breathing exercises and lung strengthening focus on inspiration. Are there breathing techniques or anything one can do to remove/improve trapped air? Does belly (diaphragmatic) breathing help with trapped air? What can one do, if anything (besides healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise) to reduce progression of FAO?
How can you tell what kind of airway obstruction (FAO / PAO) you have? Can you tell from a PFT?
To determine FAO / PAO - is it worth being challenged over a few weeks with oral corticosteroids and nebulous Salbutamol to see if the obstruction is partial? Then is the treatment different than for fixed airway obstruction?
Related to Asthma, there is a lot of research on Asthma being a Th2 Dominance disease. There are ways to control the immune balance of Th1 and Th2 in the body such that inflammation in the lungs are reduced through supplements, food and lifestyle (exercise, cold therapy, etc.). Has anyone tried to control their asthma by balancing Th2? Much of this research has been done in animals only. If so has it worked? Is it worth trying to get with an immunologist as well as a pulmonologist if i have Asthma anf a FAO.