I’ve been diagnosed with moderate to severe emphysema since 2000. Normally, my exacerbation or flare ups start with discolored mucus or at least an increase in mucus (normally I have none).
The past three times I’ve had just decreased O2 saturations at rest and with exertion such that I needed to use supplemental oxygen to do ANY walking (normally I only need O2 for strenuous exercise--like rowing hard on machine, sleep and altitudes). There were NO other symptoms.
I was able to catch the decreased saturations by spot checking with my oximeter and use 7% nebulized salune + Aerobika, plus increase my Spiriva to daily to get my saturations back to MY normal, without needing to add antibiotics or prednisone.
I just find this very unusual to have a flare up without my usual discolored mucus and be able to get rid of it before needing antibiotics or prednisone. Anyone else notice anything similar? My pulmos are mystified.