Hello everyone, I'm new to 360social, I'm 50 years old and have been smoking since I was 16, last month during a regular check up with my doctor I asked if I could have have a lung check up since I have been smoking for almost 34 years, she asked me if I had any symptoms like shortness of breath or cough which I don't, I just want to se how my lungs were doing, she ordered a ct scan and I showed some emphysematous changes but she said they were very low, she continued to say no mass or tumors so everything else is fine then sent me home, when I got home I Google emphysema and got very upset to the fact that she didn't even sent me to a pulmonologist, I requested a referral to see one and he did a PFT test and according to the results it says it was normal, I asked him what I could do to stop or slow the progression of emphysema besides quitting smoking which I have already, and he said he didn't know, he said he have seen people in their 70s walking like nothing and other times he has seen people also in their 70s that could barely make it across the hall, biggest mistake I made was Google emphysema and what to aspect from it hoping to find something positive but all I got was different interpretation, some positive and some negative, I just drove me crazy, I have to take daily doses of anxiety medication, I came across this site and have been reading some of the questions and answers, my question is the same I asked the lung doctor since alot of you have emphysema and have managed to control it and to make life changes in order from emphysema to get worse, I have attached a result from my test since I don't have a clue what the numbers means, any positive advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you everyone.