Good afternoon everybody, I luckily stumbled upon this website trying to locate information about my symptoms and it's been a wealth of great information.
I'm 41 and quit smoking back on January 15th of this year. I had been smoking off and on for about 15 years. The last 5 years I probably averaged 6 cigs a day. Back on the 15th I just decided to quit, one week later the shortness of breath and cough come. I thought that was normal and didn't worry too much about it but the phlegm and cough just got worse. I went to my regular doctor and they gave me some antibiotics which seemed to help but didn't make it go away. After two more visits they did a lung function test. I didn't get the exact results but was told I had minor restriction. I then had a chest xray which supposedly returned as normal. I've been wheezing and coughing up phlem now for two months.
This is the thing which is confusing me. Before the wheezing and cough was always there, all day. Now I'm fine when I wake up, and about an hour later the wheeze comes but I'm not coughing. I can force the cough and get some thick phlem up though. Then about 6 hours later, normally early afternoon the wheezing is gone, no cough, no phlem... This happens everyday. I do have a bit of shortness of breath, hard to take deep breaths at times.
So, I called my doctor and said I wantlted to be sent to a lung specialist and they sent the order in last week, still haven't heard from the doctor yet to set up the appointment. Everything I read points to chronic bronchitis, but I guess I just need to wait ans see. Does anybody else have the symptoms that come and go like I have? It's just waiting to find out that's driving me crazy.