I am a 57 year old woman, who has got stage 4 severe COPD and emphysema, I was diagnosed about three years ago. i was a smoker for many years, and just finally gave them up about ten years ago, but not soon enough, the damaged was already done.
I went to urgent care one day thought I had a sinus infection, they did an X-ray of my lungs and they found a Hugh mass in my right lung. I was sent to a lung specialist, but when me and my husband pulled up the sign read oncologists. Long story short the mass wasn’t cancer, I keep going back every six months. I have been having a lot of exacerbation lately, the pollen isn’t helping much.i also have Emphysema. I am scared to death of this coronavirus that’s out now. I hate living in fear, but my immune system is low, so people with lower immune systems are a target for this. I am on inhalers, nebulizer three times a day, and my rescue in haler. I am on supplement oxygen 24/7 I am on 2.
I know I have shared a lot but are any body else feeling the same way? Depressed. Cabin fever.