Had copd for a few yrs, recently got worse, two ambulance rides to hospital back to back, doc put me on home oxygen, level 2 said to use 24/7. Also said needs to be no lower than 93/92. I wore it all night but during the day reached 95 took off was active an put back on at bedtime. Now I can not stop constant dry coughing, am taking musenex for productive cough but stopped working. Cough starts immediately upon waking. Every morn I fear I will die before I can get med into an put face mask of nebulizer on. This is horrifying suffering. I am using oxygen 24/7 an can not get oxy level back up to 95 it ranges 90 to 92. I am sleepy an tired all the time. Have appointment with lug doc office to take test to see if can only wear oxy at bedtime. I think not. Today is 7th an Appointment is 17th, test result appt is 2oth. Shouls I call lung doc tell them I need to be seen right away