Sorry Guys I'm new here and I'm very confused and as well and sad trying so hard to quit is alomost making feel depressed and panicky,
So March 1st my test was FVC
92 4.73 97 5
FEV 2.71 71 2.76 72 2
FEV1%F 78.36 68.68 88.03 59.90 76 58.49 75 -2
I went for another opinion on April 11
cut down from a pack a day to about 8 and started to ride my bike walk more my score
fvc now is ref 4.39 pre meas is 4.94 112% Fev1 ref 3.59 pre meas 2.89 81% post meas 84% Fev1/fvc ref 82 pre meas 59 ref 71%
Vc ref 4.39 meas 4.94 112%
tlc ref 6.36 pre meas 6.27 99%
Rv 66%
dlco 67% dlco/va83%
My question is can i live a normal life with this score the dr said right now quit smoking I can reversed this and I would never have to come back. he said mild obstrucion no meds needed will i progress or can i stay the same. he never mention copd he just said I have very good out look very very very mild obstrucion that could be reversed if i quit smoking thanks all and sorry to bother you guys