I've posted on here before that docs have gone back and forth with me on COPD diagnosis. In late 2017, I was having constant breathing problems (I do have adult onset asthma, normally controlled with Symbicort), wound up in hospital several times and left job working with chemicals due to it. Anyway, my pulmonologist at time suggested i have IgE level tested, so I did. It was 7 times the normal level. When he saw this, he suggested I try Xolair. Since i did not have a job or insurance at the time, i contacted Xolair directly and told them of my situation. I qualified for one year of Xolair for free. I contacted the pulmonologist office and gave them my case #, but despite repeated attempts,they never followed through. Anyway, i just forgot about it and got another job. During 2018 I was hospitalized no less than 8 times due to respiratory issues. Towards the end of last year another pulmonologist diagnosis me with COPD via spirometry. He saw my IgE test, but didnt seem concerned with it and suggested Xolair not necessary. During most recent hospitalization earlier this year, the pulmonologist that saw me looked at all my test results, listened to my history and said doesnt sound like COPD, but poorly controlled allergic asthma. He explained that poorly controlled asthma can look like COPD on spirometry test. I was light intermittent smoker and off in my 20's (very rarely a pack a day, usually half or less and some periods totally without) and for most part quit at 30, with a few one offs. So, I went to an allergy/ asthma doctor and got allergy tested again (I had received shots for years when I was younger). My allergies were off the charts (one of the worst cases they had seen in 30 years). He started me on immunotherapy and Xolair shots immediately. Anyway, at follow up this week, according to PFT, my lung function has improved a fair amount (from someone in their 70's, to someone in their 60's). I am 51. He said should be much closer to my age at follow up in 3 months. He said definitely not COPD. My question is, could this have been problem all along? Thank you.