This month on the Wednesday Check in we talked about goals.
We started out by learning that setting goals can give us hope, help us focus, and encourage us to be accountable. Setting a goal, even if it’s just a small one, can give you hope that you can do something to improve or maintain your quality of life with COPD. When you are setting goals, it helps to focus in on the specifics of what you plan to do. If you tell other people, even if it’s only one other person about the goal you will be working toward, you become more accountable for seeing it through. Check in - Why is it important to set goals? (
We then took focus a step further and learned about two different methods of how to be specific when stating goals. We talked about setting goals in pulmonary rehab, and also touched on different kinds of goals: functional, short-term, long term, and event-related. Check in - How Do I Set Goals I Can Reach? (
So…here we are, just days away from the New Year—2022. Are you ready to be hopeful about improving or maintaining your quality of life with COPD? Do you know how you might focus on how and when you would work toward a certain goal?
My goal is: Starting on January 1, 2022, I will walk on my treadmill five days a week for a total of 45 minutes with a goal to reach the endurance level each time. I will do this in order to enjoy hiking with a friend on an upcoming visit.
If you’d like to share, we’d love to hear about your goal(s), and we’re ready to cheer you on!
Let’s talk! I look forward to hearing from you!
For more information, help in navigating your COPD journey and goals, you can speak with a COPD360coach by calling 1-866-731 COPD (2673). The COPD Foundation partners with organizations like Holy Cross Health in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and others to support their patient navigator/peer coaching programs. For more on this program, go to: COPD360coach | COPD Foundation.