World Bronchiectasis Day was held on July 1st and for many people, it was the first time they had ever heard about this diagnosis. Bronchiectasis is a lung condition that is marked by a consistent cough, permanent widening and scarring of the airways, and excessive mucus pooling.1 When the mucus hangs around inside the lungs too long, it can cause an infection. Unfortunately, those with bronchiectasis tend to have infections (or exacerbations) frequently causing them to go on antibiotics.2
As you might imagine, this is very concerning for someone who has bronchiectasis. Not only do frequent infections cause someone to feel bad, but they can affect a person’s confidence, emotions, and can set them back physically.2 It’s a rough road sometimes, but there are ways to help those with bronchiectasis avoid infections. I am going to give you a few tips on how to do that.
Anyone with bronchiectasis should make airway clearance a priority. There are many options for keeping the airways clear of mucus. Airway-clearing techniques like huff coughing and active cycle of breathing can really be effective in removing mucus from the lungs. Sometimes people with bronchiectasis or excess mucus may choose to use airway clearance devices and medications. These devices and medications should be used after discussing them with your health care provider. It may take a while to find the best airway-clearing program that will work for you. Be open to trying new ways when others are not as effective.1
Avoid irritants and allergens that could cause more mucus to be produced. Allergens and other environmental irritants cause your lungs to become inflamed. When this happens, more mucus is produced by the lungs. If your lungs are often sensitive to things in the environment, you can avoid them by staying indoors when air quality is poor. If you must venture out, you can wear a mask to help filter out allergens and irritants. Make sure you are changing air filters in your home regularly to keep the air as clean as possible.
Do not smoke or vape. Inside the lungs are tiny hair-like structures called cilia. Cilia help to gently sweep mucus out of the smaller airways to be coughed out. Those with bronchiectasis and some other lung conditions do not have well-functioning cilia. This makes it more difficult to rid the lungs of that pesky mucus. If you smoke or vape, not only are you putting toxic chemicals into the lungs causing a host of problems, but smoking causes stuns the cilia rendering it useless.
Avoid those that are ill or feeling under the weather. I know that this statement is a no-brainer, but with summer holidays (well let’s be honest, any special occasion) it is hard to avoid those that “just have a little cold.” However, those “little colds” can turn into “big problems” if you have bronchiectasis or excess mucus. Any infection, either viral or bacterial, will cause even more mucus to accumulate making it more difficult to clear from your airways.
Are there any tips that you have that help you remove or avoid too much mucus from your lungs? We would love to hear from you!
1. Lesan A, Lamle AE. Short review on the diagnosis and treatment of bronchiectasis. Med Pharm Rep. 2019;92(2):111-116. doi:10.15386/cjmed-1060
2. Polverino E, Rosales-Mayor E, Torres A. Exacerbation of bronchiectasis. In: Chalmers J, Polverino E, Aliberti S. (eds) Bronchiectasis. Springer;2017:205-222. doi: