Here on the Wednesday check in, we talk about many aspects of living with COPD—the nuts and bolts of managing it, as well as the emotional aspects of living with this condition. We do this because it’s important to our overall well-being. But do you know what? It’s also important to just have fun. So today we have for you two Christmas classics—a famous poem and a well-known song, with a COPD twist. I hope they bring you a smile.
A COPD Christmas
Jim Phillips
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring 'cept me and my spouse.
If you're wondering why, let me do some explaining.
We were doing a thing called bronchial draining.
There I was on my slant board, and she on her knees,
Clapping my chest, while I lie there and wheeze.
When all of the sudden, there arose such a clatter
We ran to the window to see what was the matter.
Imagine our surprise to see out in the yard
An old guy bent over and coughing real hard.
He had a white beard and shiny black boots,
A bag full of gifts and wore a red suit.
As we stared, he stood up, and looking at me,
He said in despair, "I have COPD.”
“I've wondered each year when I'm out with my pack
If someone would see when I have an attack."
"I fear that I'm just getting older," said he,
"And soon I’ll be on Social Security."
“Come in my dear Santa, and you'll soon be elated,
I’ll tell you about being rehabilitated.”
“Put yourself in the hands of the team,
Pay close attention and you'll be back on the beam.
The things they will teach will bring you success,
Things like breathing and coughing and handling stress.”
“You'll exercise right, with treadmill and weights,
What a change will be seen in your physical state!
You'll eat only good things, watching the pounds,
It'll be a lot easier making your rounds.”
“So please, Mr. Santa, give rehab a whirl,
Think of your health for the kids of the world.”
He said, "Why you're right, sir, the message is clear,
Rehab’s the answer. I'll do it this year!"
And laying a finger aside of his nose,
And pursing his lips, up the chimney he rose.
Using diaphragm breathing, he got on his sleigh,
And with a loud "Merry Christmas!" he went on his way.
©Jane M. Martin 2021
Christmas at 360social
(Sung to the tune of “I’ll be home for Christmas”)
I’ll be here for Christmas,
You can count on me.
I will post, and you will post
Our thoughts on three-sixty!
We may meet new members,
Answer questions, then
Encourage them and listen,
And hope to see again.
We can play a word game,
Post pics of pets or scenes,
We’ll be here for Christmas,
Your friends on three-sixty!
Dear friends, however you choose to celebrate the season in the coming days, or even if you don’t…I wish for you health, joy, and peace. I’ll see you here next week when we share our goals for 2022!