Here on COPD360social we often talk about the importance of educating ourselves about COPD, about asking questions of respiratory health professionals and peers, finding information online, and attending webinars. But in addition to informing yourself as a person with COPD, you are also encouraged to educate others about this disease. Telling family and friends about COPD can go a long way in helping them understand what you need and don’t need so you can all enjoy the best quality of life and relationships possible.
Hopefully, passing along this information goes easily. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It might be that those people in your life who care about you can’t seem to find the time or have the desire to learn about COPD. They may know only that it is “trouble breathing.” They might not realize how it affects you. They might feel that it is “all in your head.” On the other hand, they may be in denial because it’s too painful for them to think of their loved one as being sick or in pain.
So…to what extent is it the responsibility of the person with COPD to educate the people they know – and even people they don’t know? Does the education and/or information you offer seem to make a positive difference? Or do people seem put off by it? If so, is this discouraging to you? Maybe the lack of knowledge about COPD in others doesn’t bother you – you go about your business and your life the best you can, you do alright, and you don’t go out of your way to talk about your COPD – and that’s okay.
What is your experience with educating others about COPD? I look forward to hearing from you!