September is Disaster Preparedness Month! How many of us cringe when we see a tornado watch or a severe weather alert? Do you worry about how you’ll power your medical equipment if the power goes out for a few days? While we can’t control wild weather or prevent a disaster from happening, we can prepare ahead of time so that we aren’t caught by surprise. But how do we do that? The COPD Foundation has you covered!
The Foundation offers a free downloadable Disaster Preparedness Plan toolkit that can help you prepare for any emergency you might face. From flyers and checklists to a booklet and planning exercises, this kit covers all of the important things you need to consider before disaster strikes.
The Disaster Preparedness Plan starts by asking you to think about what disasters you might face in your area. Some areas might have extreme temperatures and flooding, while others may have tornados and blackouts. Once you know what disasters are common in your area, you can begin to plan.
Think about your medical needs. Do you have medical equipment that is powered by electricity? If the power goes out, do you have a backup power source like a generator that can help until power is restored to your area? Some generators are smaller and less expensive than the ones that can power your whole house. These machines can power just a few circuits in your home. This might be a good way to keep your medical devices running during a power outage.
And don’t forget to consider your other medical needs, like the medications you take to treat your COPD or other health conditions. Be sure to keep extra medication in your home in case of emergency and make sure it isn’t expired. If you use oxygen, your oxygen supplier may be able to work with you to make sure you have extra oxygen in case of an emergency.
Next, make a plan for what to do if an emergency happens. Keep a list of emergency contacts in your home so you can call, text, or email your family and friends if you need help. Fill out the checklists in the Disaster Preparedness Plan and create a Go Kit and a Stay Kit. These kits contain items that you will need if you decide to stay in your home during the emergency, or if you decide to leave and get to a safer location.
While some of this planning may sound overwhelming, the Disaster Preparedness Plan makes the process so much easier! It guides you through everything you need to consider and plan for, and it offers helpful tips and tricks along the way. Have you tried making a disaster plan yet? What are your best tips for staying well in an emergency?