am 40 years old,smoker from 2008 to 2017 daily,and from 2017 to 2019 rarely (may be 4-5 times monthly with intervals of 2-3 months without smoking-trying to stop smoking),and almost two years now without smoking.
two to three years ago i developed strange symptoms,begun with shortness of breath with rest that continues from minutes to 2-3 hrs, sometimes it is accompanied by 7-8 days of extreme fatigue (like having a flu like ,not usual tiredness) ,some mucous on throat that i tend to clear,no cough,sternum pain (one time was in the lower 3-4 inches and another time was like a burning sensation from just above throat to first 3-4 inches of upper sternum-pain is burning/pressure) and some times -rarely i sneeze during these attacks.
last year,i visited many doctors that said the diagnosis is Allergic rhinosinusitis and GERD,one dr performed a spirometry test and after 2 air blows ,he said this is a negative test,your lungs are great!
the attacks tend to be in summer, inbetween i walk like an hour daily without feeling tired.however,last attack is still long enough 15-20 days now and when i got exposed to grill fumes few days ago,i felt sever chest tightness. (may be symptoms aggrevated by pollen too
i had ECG and Endoscopy ,both showed no abnormalities except mild gastritis.
Can this be an early stage chronic bronchitis?