November is COPD Awareness Month and if you are like me, you may be wondering what you can do to help people learn more about COPD. As someone living with COPD, you are the perfect one to spread the word.
One way that you can get the word out is through social media. Who better to tell your COPD story than you? We’ve got some tools to help support you. Consider posting on Facebook or Instagram and talking about your COPD journey or writing a post sharing your story. You can also link to helpful articles and tips to explain what COPD is and share important information like breathing techniques.
If you are someone who does not use social media, you can still get the word out to friends and family. Consider scheduling a get-together to share your journey with COPD and answer questions. The COPD Foundation has great resources for people living with COPD, family, and friends. Sharing information about what COPD really is, or how it is diagnosed can help those around you to understand the lung condition. You could also tell them about COPD360social where they could connect with our great community. In addition, the COPD Foundation has great resources for health care providers that your doctor may not be aware of, so don’t forget to include them in your awareness talks.
If you want to have a larger impact, you can contact your local news agency or newspaper and tell your story. Most news outlets have places where you can write to the editor or have community and health sections.
Awareness month is a wonderful time to get involved in advocacy. By joining the COPD Advocacy Action Center, you can access resources to inform others about COPD and why more support, awareness, and action is needed so we can stop COPD. Setting up a phone call or meeting with your congressperson to share your story and ask for their support in increasing funding for lung health research would be a great way to take part in COPD Awareness Month. There is no one better to share the importance of lung health research than YOU.
Did you know that you can host a fundraiser with proceeds benefitting the COPD Foundation this November? You may choose to make your own fundraiser and share it with your friends, church, or co-workers. Check out our Do-it-yourself Peer-to-Peer (DIY) fundraiser page for details.
Remember, YOU are the voice of COPD, and your story matters!
Let’s chat! What are some of the things that you have done for COPD Awareness Month? What will you do this year?
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