I am under investigation for respiratory issues which I have had for around two year or may be even more but it is first now when it impacts daily life that testing to find the reason began. one wierd thing is that breathingdifficulty is associated with extreme burping. No heart burning, just burping. Sometimes burps are stuck in chest and I feel relieved when it finally it comes out for few minutes, but then the whole trouble breathing starts all over again.. O2 saturation varies from 92-99%, and sometimes even lower in sleep (according to my apple wathc) My resting pulse is also much higher 95-100 than it used to be when I was feeling healthy (70). it soars to 125-130 when I climb one flight of stairs. I had had cough in past that could last upto 2 months, 2023 I had two such periods. After2nd time in Nov. I had pain in chest and came down with Pneuonia in last week of Dec which took a long time to heal, a CT scanfrom 7th Feb showed a lot of mucus. Saw a lung specialist who gave two inhalers - Spiriva (tiotropium) and Alvesco (ciklesonid) and an antibiotic. I am to take second CT scan in this week and go back to respiratory doctor in the end of April. I am scared as after two weeks of inhalation and antibiotic treatment, I just feel a marginal effect. Did spirometry: FVC 87%; FEV1 89%, FEV1%(FVC) 106%; post inhalation the values were82, 91 and 115. Anybody knows what is happening with me?
Thanks for taking your time to read my stroy!