Is Breztri an appropriate medication for stage 1 COPD? I’ve been a little more short of breathe the last few days so I went to the doctor. My regular doctor is on vacation so I had to see the PA who said I needed to be on some sort of medication and gave me a sample of breztri. She also told me allergies are bad and that I have bad post nasal drip which could be making things worse also. My regular doctor didn’t seem to want to give me any inhalers other than the albuterol until I’ve had my full PFT in a couple weeks so I’m not so sure I should take it. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve been trying to research and it seems like the 3in1 inhalers are usually prescribed for more severe COPD. Just looking for some opinions. I don’t want to take medication that I don’t necessarily need yet.