Basics of COPD Scavenger Hunt
Take a walk with us through the Basics of COPD and fill in the blanks with the information in the guide.
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a term used to describe _______________ ________ including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
- _________ is the most common cause of COPD in the United States and most high-income countries.
- In some cases COPD can be ________________. This means that it runs in families.
- Some of these symptoms can be related to other diseases, such as _______, ____________, __________, allergies, and other conditions.
- Your primary care physician may refer you to a _________ __________ for spirometry testing.
- There will be times when your COPD symptoms suddenly get worse. These flare-ups are called _____________.
- _________ -____________ _______________: These medications help open up your airways over a longer period of time.
- Many COPD medications come in a liquid form which is used with a _____________ machine.
- Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program that includes exercise, ________, and emotional support for people with COPD.
- There are several types of oxygen systems for home use. These include tank ___________, and liquid _________.