hello all,
I just found this site and am very happy to have done so. Like some other posts I've read I am in the depression and anger stages of accepting my new diagnosis of severe Gold 3 COPD.
I always knew I would be at risk for lung cancer and COPD, but never imagined it would be just 3 months after my 40th birthday. I had already been working with a smoking cessation NP and thought I was on my way to healthier and happier future.
I have smoked for about 25 years, but my pulmonologist was still surprised at the amount of obstruction on my pulmonary function test. He tested me for the alpha-1 genetic deficiency, which was negative. I guess i was really hoping to have something else to blame my diagnosis on (if even partially) than my own stupidity and weakness for smoking for years.
I'm just curious if there was anyone else out there that was diagnosed mid-life or who has lived independently for many years since a severe COPD diagnosis?
If you have,would you be so kind to drop me an encouraging line of support or advice?
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this!