Hi all. COPD stage probably severe. (To be confirmed in November) About a month ago EMT transport to E.D. for pneumonia and acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and CO2 level in the 80s. Put on BiPap for a day...CO2 number dropped to 50s. In-patient for 3 days with Antibiotic and Prednisone IV and a nebulizer treatment every 4 hrs of Albuterol/Budesonide. Felt much better. Panic attack 2 weeks later -scared CO2 level up again. Go to ER. Admitted for 3 days (precaution) CO2 level was fine. No IV treatment - nebs and Prednisone pills. Doctor said I'm not a CO2 retainer. Yesterday started to feel dizzy out of the blue....back hurts a lot from coughing....panic sets in again...are CO2 levels on the rise? O2 is 93-95 at rest (without oxygen); O2 89-91 after walking; 88-90 after coughing. Use O2 at night at 2 liters. Am I just panicking too much? Still smoking and upset I am. I'm working on quitting. Please, any input appreciated. And pursed breathing exercises.....does that help release any extra CO2 in lungs? Thank you!