I’m not coming of as a smarty.
I’m just confused about the Advocate for early diagnosis.
What’s the difference?
I’m early- not officially diagnosed with 4 visits to Pulmonologist and NO CT Scan.
Mild/Moderate airway obstruction.
Quit smoking and that’s about it.
My core symptoms are 3.
1. Every time I’m active not sitting down my throat clears of white sticky phelgm. I would say about 50 times a day.
2. I go up a flight of stairs I will need 30 seconds to start talking.
3. I have a wheeze if I run hard.
The pulmonologist I see says- come see my again if anything progresses. I’m seeing a mental health counselor now and they say don’t stress.
My question is what does it matter if your diagnosed early- How is this going to change anything or how is it helping me always spinning and writing on this site.
Nothing has changed in my life besides obnoxious symptoms.
Great site- sorry for coming across pessimistic.