Last September I noticed my very active dad getting out of breath over the simplest of tasks. He lost a lot of weight, the house thermostat was now on 80, he always had on sweatpants, a teeshirt under sweatshirt and then a jacket. He is always cold to the touch.
A few weeks ago he started getting out of breath just walking across the room. My mom and I made him see his doctor and his doctor made him see a pulmonologist who ordered test after test. His lungs are running at 62% capacity. His home health nurse that now comes once a week was able to convince him to use oxygen, he is supposed to use it 24/7 but only uses it at night.
His doctor gave him inhalers, he wont use them because he said they didn't do anything and had no effect.
Dad's chin is blue. his fingers are blue. He is a skeleton. he lost over 100 pounds. I saw him today and he couldn't go more than 4 steps without getting out of breath.
From what I understand if you have 60% of lung capacity does that put you in stage 2, at least that's what I read.
Mom goes to his appointments and I have tried to do talk to his dr but I don't understand the different levels and where he is.
I am a divorced single mom. I want to do right by my dad and take time off from work for the end stage so I can be there. The more I read the more confused I get.
is it possible that he could be in stage 4 and have his lungs still running at 60%?
Yes he was diagnosed with other things, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. he is taking meds for that.