I've been suffering with COPD for over two (2) years and as part of my treatment regiment, I regularly take corticosteroids (I take a Wixela maintenance inhaler and occasionally will go on a Prednisone treatments, whenever I experience acute exacerbations).
I know that these medications reduce the function of my immune system, but I wasn't sure if they do so to the extent that I would be clinically considered "immunocompromised" -to the extend that I would qualify for the 3rd dose of the Covid-19 vaccine?
I received my 1st vaccination dose (Moderna) in March 2021 and my subsequent 2nd dose in April 2021.
The latest CDC recommendations that I've seen say that "immunocompromised" individuals are approved for and encouraged to get a third shot now. In contrast, healthy individuals are recommended to wait until after 8 months from their 2nd shot before getting a "booster".
I'm not sure which category/group I fall under?
Does my regular use of corticosteroids make me fall under the "immunocompromised" group? I suspect so. I had an exacerbation and was prescribed Prednisone as recently as last month (my third time this year already :(
I guess I'm trying to find clarity out of concern of any unknown risks of getting a third shot too soon or unnecessarily? Honestly, I've been finding the guidance (or lack thereof) from the CDC and my local Dept. of Health altogether confusing :(
Is anyone else with COPD, that take similar medications running into these questions as well?