6 Answers
Life expectancy of chronic Bronchitis

Hi.. I'm suffering from chronic Bronchitis for 4 years. It is getting worsen. No emphysema in CT. I asked my doctor about prognosis. He said may be 10 years because most of CB patients have right heart failure within 10 years of diagnosis. My fev1 is 76% …

Author: Yuwaraj
10 Answers
Is anyone like me?

I am similar in the respect that I was diagnosed with COPD (emphysema) while dealing with a severe respiratory infection, pneumonia. My primary care physician took an X-ray and informed me I had pneumonia and emphysema. This was nearly 1 !/2 years after …

1 Answers
Obstructive breathing, reversible on triple action inhaler in 28M

Hi everyone, I’m 28M, and have been having constant obstructive breathing for the past year. I did several PFT tests which showed irreversible 0.7 FEV1/FVC following ventolin and elevated DLCO (120%). with my pulmonologist, I did extensive testing to …

Author: David29
4 Answers
Glue-like mucus and possibilities to reduce it?

Hey again, I tried looking for previous questions regarding this type of situation but couldn't find one. As stated previously, I haven't been diagnosed with COPD, but at one point I was diagnosed with atypical asthma. Now that diagnosis has also been …

Author: SonjaKoo
2 Answers
Chronic bronchitis to Emphysema

When someone has chronic bronchitis/fixed airway obstruction with daily symptoms even with inhalers, is it a likely chance they will eventually develop emphysema too? Meaning, when someone’s distal airways are constantly inflamed, is it only a matter of …

4 Answers
Which is chronic bronchitis worst than emphysema?

Hello I'm 36yr old male. New to the group and was wondering, which is worst chronic bronchitis or emphysema? Right now I'm getting extensive testing done. Was giving a symbicort inhaler and was told I will be seen in July for further testing. Recently …

Author: Mistle
5 Answers
Dad with severe/end stage ins up COPD

Hi everyone, i’ve finally decided to post something here after reading through q&a’s for a while, i think im just looking for some advice from people here who’s maybe had similar experiences. Thank you in advance if you read everything and even offer …

Author: Hadkm
3 Answers
Issue exercising with mild chronic bronchitis

Hi there everyone. I live in a hilly area. Every time I attempt to go for a simple walk, the huffing and puffing from all the hills really starts making a lot of mucus and obstruction in my airways. I then feel short of breath and my inhaler with spacer …

1 Answers
Biologics designed for airways in chronic bronchits

I’m aware that most biologics target allergic pathways but with the latest, Teszpire, it can also benefit non-allergic breathing processes. With that, does anyone know if there are any biologics in the pipeline that will target pathways that solely …

6 Answers
Its probably COPD - please help me to understand

Does a lack of reversibility strongly point towards COPD diagnosis? It just means that it is probably not asthma but it does not mean COPD - If it is COPD, can I still work in a lab with chemicals (i.e. is the risk worth it, should I quit/switch …

Author: David29
7 Answers
Chronic Bronchitis-Please help answer my questions.

Who on this site has Chronic Bronchitis? Is COPD the same as Chronic Bronchitis? Does Chronic Bronchitis mean your lungs are inflamed 24/7 till the day you die? How are you all living longer- did any of you get a diagnosis of COPD at 43 and your …

Author: mcat43
5 Answers
Throat Issues

If you notice a change in your normal symptoms you should consult a medical professional

Author: Ahsan
3 Answers
Chronic bronchitis?

Hello, I am female, 33 years old and my lung problems started 1,5 years ago. I started smoking when I was 16 years old and smoked maybe 5 or 6 a day and then stopped 2 years ago. Before I stopped I vaped for 1 year. From one day to another my lungs felt …

Author: Julia33
6 Answers
Spirometry Results - Interpretation?

Alex, do you have below symptoms: 1. Cough up some jelly-like mucus, leaning more towards yellow in the morning and all clear/white through out the day 2. You feel every forceful exhalation blows a small amount of mucus from your lung to your mouth …

Author: alex___
6 Answers
Is my diagnosis accurate to my results?

I think your pulmo isn't sure. The thing I saw in your test result that argues against asthma is that you have very little response to albuterol or whatever treatment you got between tests in the spirometry test you had; that says more COPD than asthma. …

2 Answers
How did your symptoms improve after medications?

To those primarily with copd, chronic bronchitis what symptoms did you have pre diagnosis and how did your symptoms improve after diagnosis and medications? Im newly diagnosed with asthma and chronic bronchitis and I havent yet started on my inhalers …

1 Answers
Chronic Bronchitis vs emphysema

1. How often does having chronic bronchitis result in needing supplemental oxygen? 2. How often does emphysema occur in someone who has chronic bronchitis (and doesnt smoke or quit smoking before emphysema started). 3. Why do people with chronic …

Author: Anonymous
7 Answers
It’s been a year and still? IDK - confused.

How is everyone-it’s been sometime and think I’m getting a handle on this BUT who knows and no doctor has given me a diagnosis. 44/Male 5’8 JANUARY 11, 2021 3PM PVC 4.57 97% FEV 1 2.96 79% **POST with inhaler **PVC 4.41 94% FEV 3.22 86% DLCO 115% …

Author: mcat43
8 Answers
Help and advice

Hi, I am a male, 32 years old and been having throat clearing issues (everyday) with phlegm which comes in a variety of colours, such as brown, white, green and yellow, I also seem to get frequent chest infections causing thick green phlegm and wheezing. …

Author: Ben H
11 Answers
A case review ?

Me again, bit of a duplication of a post I made yesterday regarding an isolated decline in the 25-75 which I have now deleted. I had a full panel of tests the key values of which I'm posting here. I've have what I see as a sizeable decline in small …

Author: J.News
5 Answers
Chronic Bronchitis (without COPD)?

It doesn’t feel like a “coating”, but rather to me it feels like it rises from my right upper lobe then moves among my throat and sinuses (as I try to get it up and out). It was MUCH worse a few months ago (which prompted a CT scan by my Pulmo). The CT …

Author: Otter
16 Answers
Young diagnosis

I’ve shared bits of my story as I have the same lingering symptom: chronic phlegm production that causes me to clear my throat repeatedly, which also gets on my vocal chords. I have a great pulmonologist and he refers to it has “mucus hyper-secretion” …

Author: Pbob
4 Answers
Quick question for you re change in numbers?

Hi All, As an intro, I’m a 51 yo male & I’ve been on this road now since 2004, a familiar story of bad asthma as a child, binge drinking & smoking until 34 yo, inhalers and a medical history to be proud of! I do have chronic bronchitis with an light …

Author: J.News
2 Answers
Why would a corticosteroid reducing mucus imply asthma over chronic bronchitis?

My pulmonologist prescribed Pulmocort and told me if my productive cough went away on the med, it meant I had asthma not COPD. It didn’t. More recently my allergist (who also treats asthma) changed me to QVAR and said the same thing (this time directly …

2 Answers
What are some Recent Articles and Materials about COPD in the News?

It's easy to feel that COPD doesn't get nearly enough press. Let's post articles about COPD here. Bonus points if they explain COPD in a positive light and are helpful.

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    It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.