5 Answers
Horrible pulmonary function results

Hello, I am new to this site. I just had pulmonary function test done. The results look horrible to me. FVC 66% PREDICTED, PEF 67%, FEF 32% FEV1 48%, FEV6, 66% LVM, TLC 69% PREDICTED, VC61%, FRC 63% RV 85% DLCO-c, 46% PREDICTED, VA 75%, KCO-c, 60% Never …

Author: Jingles
6 Answers
What kind of medicine do they have for nebulizer my doctor want me on trilogy I cant afford it


Author: Kay cee
19 Answers
It’s me again. Update from my PCP. So discouraging.

Since you found a pulmonologist who was able to fit you in to his/her schedule, if you like the MD, ask if the MD if they have a GP they can refer you to. That’s how I go my awesome GP, a referral from my pulmonologist!

Author: jarr2329
6 Answers
Dry lips and nose

I have used Petroleum jelly for many yrs. I used to have sever eczema. I use it only for my skin. I do not put it in my nose.

Author: Dorisa
7 Answers
I guess this is a good thing?!?

I feel great, work out, stopped drinking can’t stand hang overs anymore, I have 2 Questions for you all. 1. My throat is RAW the more I work out, the days that I’m active my Phelgm is crazy insane, hoarseness, and scratchy. My Ent’s 2 of them say my …

Author: mcat43
4 Answers
Spirometry Results 31M

Due to wheezing, coughing, fatigue and related breathing issues I had a spirometry test and CT scan done in 2021. I was 31 with a history of asthma/GERD but otherwise active and healthy with no history of smoking. The tests came back as follows: Pre …

Author: colorado3
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What questions do you have about financial wellness when living with chronic illness?

What would you like to know when it comes to financial planning? Finances are a large part of our lives. Planning and structuring our finances can be difficult when living with chronic illness. This May and June, we are partnering with financial fitness …

9 Answers
Help with pft

If after speaking with your pulmonologist and you still are unsatisified with their responses I would suggest that you consider a second opinion from a pulmologist . Truth is that there are other things that can cause the symptoms you describe. As for …

Author: Julia33
6 Answers
Flare up frequency.

Flare up frequency I used to have flare ups about six times per year and coughing up mucus everyday. Now I haven’t had a flare up since last October which is over 6 months now, plus I very rarely cough up any mucus. Also don’t have the level of SOB as I …

Author: JAH5001
3 Answers
Traveling to higher elevations in RV with COPD

Hi, been a while since I have asked any questions but in the meantime I have been doing a lot of reading. The wife and I have been planning on an RV trip, since December, out west taking our Granddaughter who is 14.She is excited about going and I don’t …

Author: LannyV
4 Answers
SOB-Any ideas people, I’m new to this forum

My elderly mum has COPD and the last 4 months has been on a constant merry go round of steroids. Her stats are now above 90 but still exhausted by SOB and I can’t get her to find the energy to leave the house. Any ideas people, I’m new to this forum

Author: TraceyHev
1 Answers
Symbicort Dosage-Diagged with COPD around 14 yrs ago and given the usual Spiriva/Symbicort meds.

Diagged with COPD around 14 yrs ago and given the usual Spiriva/Symbicort meds. When i learned that Symbicort is a Sterroid, I decided to limit my intake of that to ONE puff morning & evening.and have been doing perfectly well on that. Taking it easy I …

Author: Tel
7 Answers
COPD and Blood Pressure?

I am SO confused.... For the bulk of my life, my blood pressure has been utterly steady and boring.  120/80, no matter what else was happening with my body. In January, when I began seeing this new FP doctor, my resting blood pressure was …

Author: Ben A
7 Answers
Just Breathe: Finding Your Breath During Stressful Times

How many times have you been told to “take a deep breath” or “just breathe” when you’re stressed? While these people mean well, they often don’t understand just how hard it is to take that deep breath, especially when you are living with COPD and other …

4 Answers
Emphysema, and near perfect PFT

I am a petite 68 year old woman. About ten years ago in the ER I was told I had Emphysema via a chest x-ray and a diagnosis of hyper inflated lungs. I made an appt. with a pulmonologist, had 3 or 4 PFT within the span of two years, all were normal, CT …

Author: Jazzybean
3 Answers
New Spirometry Results/ Questions

Hello Everyone, I waited over a year to get another PFT. During this time I learned a lot from reading the educational information on this website and monitoring the questions and answers. I also, learned a few thing when I showed up for my test: 1. I …

Author: Red2
2 Answers
Typical improvements in FEV1 on inhaler

Hi everyone, I am curious how much does FEV1 typically improve after treatment on the appropriate inhaler? I found that LABA/LAMA inhalers were only having a small effect. Since starting Trelegy my FEV1/FVC has quickly increased from 70% to 75% (a …

Author: David29
6 Answers
New guy intro

Welcome Randolph. As the others have said-- take the rescue inhaler with you. If you don't have one -call the doc and get one. I've been using Trelegy for 6 years. I hike a lot in the hills near my home. Often I take a puff of the rescue inhaler before …

Author: Randolph
4 Answers
Have you been told that increasing your oxygen liter flow is dangerous?

There are two conflicting theories about what is known as the "Hypoxic Drive", the urge to breathe.  For many years, the accepted knowledge was that a COPD patient who tended to retain Carbon Dioxide (Co2) should never be subjected to increased …

Author: Uncle Jim
5 Answers
Dad with severe/end stage ins up COPD

Hi everyone, i’ve finally decided to post something here after reading through q&a’s for a while, i think im just looking for some advice from people here who’s maybe had similar experiences. Thank you in advance if you read everything and even offer …

Author: Hadkm
1 Answers
Methacholine Challenge

Putting aside patients with COPD who may also have allergic asthma, do people with JUST COPD such as chronic bronchitis, fail (react) to the methacholine challenge? Im assuming not since a patient failing that challenge positively points to an asthma …

6 Answers
Clear Lungs supplements

Hi JohnU1, Mucinex is often recommended for those who have excess mucus that they are having trouble coughing out. Many people find that it works well for them. I looked at the Ridgecrest Clear Lungs ingredients, and I don't know if this supplement …

Author: JohnU1
6 Answers
Is wheezing a common symptom?

Hi everyone! My wheezing has ramped up over the last few days. I have never had asthma but I do have emphysematous changes in one of my lungs and early background COPD changes. I find wheezing very stressful. Is it something you all live with every day …

Author: RedPower
3 Answers
Symptoms getting worse

hi Ive only been diagnosed about 3 months and at the time i only really noticed shortness of breath going up hills. I haven't really had any other symptoms. 4 months on i have shortness of breath most of the time , sitting still, lying down, walking etc …

Author: Cornwall5
2 Answers
Pain at base of ribs

I’m so depressed. I have had some pain under my ribs for a few months that comes and goes (left and right, front and on both sides). I just assumed it was to do with my GERD and have been waiting a few weeks to see my Dr to get a referral to a gastro. …

Author: RedPower
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    Medical Advice

    It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.