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which Supplements for Lung Health actually Work?

I'm looking for advice and resources to help with a long term consistent cough. It feels like a mucus issue most of the time. A version of this was asked already in another chat. I guess I'm covering my bases. I'm late 50s. I haven't been diagnosed …

Author: PhilM67
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5 Answers
Emphysema and Pets

Hi, Diagnosed with mild centilobular emphysema in April 2024. My pulmonologist said hey it’s fine your 67 and it’s mild see you in 3 months. However, it’s not exactly fine. Coughing and wheezing at night and sleeping in most days. I have a dog. Have …

Author: Mrmerkin
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4 Answers
Check-in: What steps do you take to avoid outdoor asthma and COPD triggers?

Today is World Asthma Day! Did you know that COPD and asthma have some of the same triggers? In the past, I shared some information about indoor allergens and COPD/asthma triggers . Now, let’s dive in a bit deeper and learn more about outdoor allergens …

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Did you know we now offer a free wallet card?

Hello everyone! We have some exciting news here at the Foundation. We are now featuring a new item in our downloads library: a Medication and Immunization Wallet Card ! The card has sections for you to write down your vaccine history, medications, and …

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3 Answers
Check in— What is an Allergy Tracker Diary?

I thought I would share this I don't know how many of us knew the relation of these foods to pollen. I am very allergic to ragweed that must have started already usually its in August. Some these do cause a weird feeling in my mouth. I know I have some …

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4 Answers
Check in— What is Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome?

If you have COPD, you know that managing it effectively can be possible, yet it can be a challenge. We know, also, that its common for individuals with COPD to have other chronic conditions that overlap with COPD—comorbidities such as right-sided heart …

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5 Answers
Asthma From a Patient’s Perspective: The Cough That Wouldn’t Quit.

Hi Kristen... Thanks for your post. My story is different. I had no problems breathing as a kid. Unfortunately I started smoking at around 13-14 years old and didn't quit until 4 years ago when I was 66. I was diagnosed with a "little" COPD in my early …

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4 Answers
Check in— The Allergy Asthma Connection

Last week we talked about asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS), and how some individuals with COPD may also have asthma. Today we’re going to look at how asthma sometimes has another connection—to allergies. Let’s start by looking at what allergies are. …

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11 Answers
Have you thought about the COPD triggers in your home?

Not sure if its, correlated but its all I can think of as nothing else has changed. They recently decided to renovate my apt complex to remove all carpeting and install hardwood flooring, plus new W&Ds etc. I was temporarily relocated to another apt …

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10 Answers
No luck with Zyrtec

I'm with the others---The meds take time to work!! Good luck!!!

Author: Anonymous
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5 Answers

I have been having trouble with constant runny nose. Its been very bad. Was worse seems when I was eating tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers. I wonder if the cross pollination with these to ragweed. Anyway I seen a ENT Friday and he said I am doing all I …

Author: Anonymous
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2 Answers
Post nasal drip, phlegm and throat

Hi all, What’s your take on Mild COPD and Post Nasal, Throat and phlegm? Allergies or COPD?! I have been looking at my messages to GP because everything is on email and portal and noticed I have been complaining since 2018 about excessive clearing of …

Author: mcat43
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1 Answers

I have visited many sites on the subject. Some sites say that certain houseplants are good for copd patients, then other sites are saying the opposite. I have heard of some saying they keep some plants in their bedroom to help. my question is, do ant of …

Author: tammye
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11 Answers
Does anyone find it more difficult to breath during the allergy season?

At the beginning of Spring I start having more difficulty breathing through my nose. Can allergies make it more difficult for us to breath?

Author: Chippie
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2 Answers
Symbicort with Metoprolol ?

Hi Everyone, am a newbie to all of this. For the past 3 months I have been dealing with acute sinusitis, allergic rhinitis per CT report and a cough with phlegm . Then I went to an allergist. Dr. Did breathing test and I was told that it was a little low …

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1 Answers
Is my spirometry result abnormal ?

My ethinic group is Indian and I heard the ethinic group affects the reading. What does this result mean,how bad is it ? My dr wants me to try breo ellipta . He thinks that will help my result. My only complain is occasional wheeze which goes away if i …

Author: swita
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28 Answers
COPD and Pets

Are you a pet owner? Does animal dander irritate your allergies or COPD? What do you do so that you and your pet can be together? Do you have tips for others living with COPD that have pets or are considering having one? What are your thoughts in …

Author: Janina K
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    It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.