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6 Answers
Pneumonia with COPD

New to this group, but reaching out, last year learned I have COPD, emphysema,I’m sure from my years of smoking and the a couple years of vaping, which I swear might be worse! Anyway, last couple of days on a trip to Italy I started feeling awful. Prior …

Author: Lucke
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5 Answers
I started using a nebulizer daily for about 3 weeks now. I am using albuterol​ for my medication. Is

braething treatment technique

Author: Bronco D.
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10 Answers
The workplace: What jobs are risky for your lungs?

A recent article listed the following industries/jobs as the most risky for your lung health: 1.Bartending and waitressing 2.Housekeeping and cleaning 3.Healthcare 4.Hairstylist 5.Manufacturing 6.Construction 7.Farming 8.Auto body Spray painting 9 …

Author: Janina K
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7 Answers
Severe COPD / Emphysema

hi, my mum has severe copd/emphysema she uses oxygen - aims for levels to be between 88-90. Since Christmas she has had many excabations and I have lost count on how many times she has been on prednisone and antibiotics. (It isn’t in her nature to take …

Author: Kkkkkatie
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7 Answers
Has anyone heard of the POC - O2 Concepts Oxlife Liberty?

I did a little research on it and what I read was contradictary. The manufacturer states it goes up to 1.5 LPM and battery lasts up to 4 hours (without specifying the liter flow it uses to measure) but Bridge to Care states it goes up to 2LPM and will …

Author: JeanO53
0 Votes
3 Answers
Check-In: World Bronchiectasis Day is July 1st!

World Bronchiectasis Day is celebrated on July 1 st every year to raise awareness about this lung condition. This year, the focus is on research and how it impacts the bronchiectasis community. Take a look at the details below and join us on July 1 st to …

0 Votes
2 Answers
PFT and prednisone

I have a PFT monday, was at Dr. Just Thursdays, he gave me new inhaler(trellegy), and prednisone. Told me no inhalers before test. No smoking, Didnt ssy anything about the prednisone.. I tried looking it up and im not snart like that but seemed studies …

Author: Clinch
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1 Answers
Need second opinion on PFT Result

I am not a doctor, but a patient who has been diagnosed with COPD for 9 years and have had and reviewed a PFT or so of mine. Everything here looks just fine, no evidence of COPD or other obstruction. Please discuss with your doctor, and do continue to …

Author: Rohan8432
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5 Answers
Tight throat. Is it a symptom of anxiety or lung disease

Hi guys I am so sorry to ask another question of you all . You guys have helped me so much I am sure my concerns seem tiny by comparison for many people I have mentioned before I'm a 48 yr old lady from UK. I have Mild Emphesema, Broncieastatis and Alpha …

0 Votes
2 Answers
cough up specks of blood

Does anyone cough up specks of blood? The doc doesn't seem to worried but I am full of anxiety. It's been happening for ages I have mild emphesema, Bronchieastatis and alpha .

0 Votes
5 Answers
Possible New Diagnosis

I’m a 37 year old female. I haven’t smoked a day in my life, nor am I consistently around second hand smoke. I do have a history of childhood asthma which I outgrew by the time I was out of elementary school. To my knowledge I don’t think it was …

Author: Diskid86
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4 Answers
Glue-like mucus and possibilities to reduce it?

Hey again, I tried looking for previous questions regarding this type of situation but couldn't find one. As stated previously, I haven't been diagnosed with COPD, but at one point I was diagnosed with atypical asthma. Now that diagnosis has also been …

Author: SonjaKoo
0 Votes
1 Answers
Rescue inhaler-Any suggestions that might help me?

I use Breo daily but frequently push myself pretty hard playing pickleball or exercising. When I go a little too hard and get winded I try to use my rescue inhaler. Does anyone else ever have problems emptying their lungs and getting a full dose into …

Author: gojags
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3 Answers
What is meaning of this weird test doctors are planning?

Hi, My doctors cant find the main reason to my sympthoms so they decide to put me in pre-spirometry then exercise stress test (indoor cycling) and then straight to post spirometry. Could anyone think what they are looking for?

Author: Jambo1985
0 Votes
2 Answers
Learning what's normal?

Hi all I'm 48, live in Uk. I have mild emphesema and mild Bronchieastatis along with alpha 1. The route to me having a CT scan was at least three years of heavy chest , not so much sob (unl we exertion) but this heavy feeling/light burning Initially I …

0 Votes
2 Answers
Chronic bronchitis to Emphysema

When someone has chronic bronchitis/fixed airway obstruction with daily symptoms even with inhalers, is it a likely chance they will eventually develop emphysema too? Meaning, when someone’s distal airways are constantly inflamed, is it only a matter of …

0 Votes
1 Answers
Efficacy of home Power Nebulizer with two meds/day. Who measures, evaluates?

Has anyone with emphysema being treated with a nebulizer -inhaling Yupelri & Arformoterol- been evaluated or measured or tested regularly for results? Diagnosed with stage 4 three years ago.

Author: Pegby540
0 Votes
11 Answers
Mild copd at 45. What does my future hold

Hi, Ive been beside myself since getting diagnosed with mild copd in early may. I have a young family and would love to see my three young boys grow up but this diagnosis sent me on a emotional roller coaster, fearing I will not be around in another 20 …

Author: lphawest
0 Votes
15 Answers
Does this progress that fast with some people?

I suggest that there can be a psychological component. Regardin my job, on work-from-home days when I’m in the house all day by myself my asthma symptoms typically escalate. I think it’s because I have so much alone and quiet time to dwell on it (until …

Author: mcat43
0 Votes
6 Answers
Sympthoms and learning

Hi, i dont speak english for 1st language so sorry about my spelling. Im 36 years old with 18 years of smoking habbit. I smoked 10 years and vaped 8 years. I have quitted both last year. I was totally fine with no sympthoms that i noticed. I could walk …

Author: nat88lie
0 Votes
15 Answers
Living with mild emphysema

Our ages and smoking history are similar. When I was diagnosed this year through PFT and CT scan at 68 years old I was given a mild/moderate diagnoses as well as you even though my PFT FV1 numbers are not nearly as good as yours. FORTUNATELY my DLCO is …

Author: gojags
0 Votes
2 Answers
Pulmonary hypertension-fairly high in patients with copd?

Hi all Its the dane again . I was wondering !, I read somewhere that , the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension, is fairly high in patients with copd, up to 40 percent, but vary with severity. I have high Bp, and take beta blokkers, low dose. Would it …

Author: TonicDk
0 Votes
23 Answers
Any common sense approaches to grocery shopping during COVID-19 outbreak

This seems to be over hyped for some reason. Regular flu has been doing more damage for years.And yet everyboby is paniced over this. While everyone is in a panic about the coronavirus (officially renamed COVID-19 by the World Health Organization), …

Author: PatriciaK
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4 Answers
Which is chronic bronchitis worst than emphysema?

Hello I'm 36yr old male. New to the group and was wondering, which is worst chronic bronchitis or emphysema? Right now I'm getting extensive testing done. Was giving a symbicort inhaler and was told I will be seen in July for further testing. Recently …

Author: Mistle
0 Votes
3 Answers
Looking for input on Inogen G4. Do users like it?

I am looking to purchase my first poc. Will be traveling and need something lightweight. Any input?

Author: Texasgirl
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    It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.