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2 Answers
New meds

Two new meds are coming it seems, Verona Pharma’s ensifentrine was just approved. and the now being tested Dupixent. can anyone tell me the difference between what these drugs will do us? also ensifertine is coming out in a month or two can anyone how …

Author: Who Me ?
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8 Answers
Early signs of emphysema

Most people your age with these findings have normal or near normal lung function- but are at a increased risk for developing significant COPD with aging. Yes- it is improtant to see a doctor, get your lung function measured, and stop smoking/vaping!

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4 Answers
FAO versus PAO and Asthma (Immune Balance)

Hi Community, I wish I could calm down and STOP reading. The anxiety of the unknown is overwhelming and I am trying to not stress my entire family as I go on this quest for information. I feel so raw. Two questions: 1 relates to FAO and the other Asthma. …

Author: Mary22
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2 Answers

Personally I would wait until my regular Dr. came back from vacation and you have completed your PFT and you and your Dr. and/or referred pulmonary physician have instituted your comprehensive treatment "plan" based on your function results.

Author: Steph1986
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5 Answers
Anxiety - Life Expectancy

Sadie1235 We are so glad that you and your mom found us. There have been some amazing replies to your question. It is so wonderful that you are able to have such a vibrant and connected relationship with your mom and that you are able to help be there …

Author: sadie1235
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4 Answers
PFT, COPD, SAD, Asthma? So confused!

Hi, I am a 60 yr old female. Non smoker but much exposure to chemicals while working on PhD in chemistry in my mid 20's. Ran for 40 years and still running, just less distance due to breathing. In mid 30's was diagnosed with Asthma though no symptoms. …

Author: Mary22
0 Votes
3 Answers
Should people with COPD be on oxygen 24 hours a day?

In December of 2023 I have bronchitis I saw my pulmonologist he put me on oxygen 24 hours a day before that I only used it night. And I just heard that you really shouldn't use it more than 15 hours a day so I'm just trying to find out

Author: lanesf
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3 Answers
What are the pros and cons to taking an inhaler like Incruse Ellipta for moderate COPD?

A family member received prescription for this inhaler for little symptoms of moderate COPD. Apprehension to take and wondering long term benefit and get info from anyone who may have experience. Thank you!

Author: MelsO2
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1 Answers

This is something you should discuss with your doctors. Your doctor would be able to discover what you are deficient on.

Author: GaleM
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8 Answers
Emphysema at 33

Hi I have recently been diagnosed with Emphysema. I dont really feel short on breath my chest just goes tight sometimes and I keep feeling like I have something stuck in my throat. The doctor told me the top of my lungs are scarred I was smoking about 25 …

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4 Answers

I just had Spirometry done yesterday and have a mild obstruction. I woke up in the middle of the night coughing and could barely sleep. This morning the cough is worse and sounds a little deeper. I also can feel more mucus in my throat. Would this be …

Author: Steph1986
0 Votes
2 Answers
What will help with COPD exacerbations when rising from sleep

I have severe COPD. When I rise from sleeping, or just a short nap, I am immediately hit with strong exacerbations. It literally seems I am drowning without the water. Does anyone have this problem and if so have you found any way to help this not to …

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1 Answers
Anyone else on 24/7 nebulization of albuterol sulfate?

Going on 3 months, every 4 hours around the clock. It prevents attacks, so far only noticeable side effect is being jittery. Just wondering if anyone else Doctor prescribed this? I can understand it, I have attacks about every 4-5 hours if I don't. …

Author: BKD73
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14 Answers
Vaping, Is it any safer than smoking?

I have an anecdotal comment about vaping. I good friend of mine who also has a long term smoking history and moderate COPD switched from cigarettes to vaping. When he proudly told his GP Physician about his switch from cigarettes to vaping she horrified …

Author: nat88lie
0 Votes
3 Answers
PFT Results; is it COPD?

I tried to add this to my existing post or in a reply, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the pictures added. Anyway, these are the results of my PFT. Never smoked, history of asthma. Went in for routine yearly testing. Intermittent shortness of …

Author: Diskid86
0 Votes
9 Answers
Emphysema at 37

I agree with Bill. Most people with this radiographic finding have normal or near normal lung function- although they are at an increased risk for developing COPD in the future. Please read our educational materials. There are many things you can do and …

Author: Steph1986
0 Votes
5 Answers
Breyna and Symbicort

I have severe End Stage COPD. To be very honest...I do not think I will last much longer. When Breyna came available my insurance carrier automatically changed me from Symbicort to Breyna. It 'MAY' be a coincidence but my inability to breathe seems to …

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3 Answers
Deviated septum

I have a moderately deviated septum and haven’t been able to breathe through my nose properly for years. I was just wondering if anyone knew if this would affect Spirometry results in any way?

Author: Steph1986
0 Votes
6 Answers
Medicare and prescriptions for COPD

Hi folks its been awhile as I have been intensely busy selling/packing up my home in California while also having construction going on with my new home out of state in Hawaii, which has been extremely challenging logistically. With my spouses eminent …

Author: Brent A
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4 Answers
questions about chronic bronchitis

Could you have chronic bronchitis with totally normal spirometry, xray, bloodtest and without being sick in couple of years? How unsually this would be? How severe is coughing with that? I clear my throat like 10 times/day but not really coughing. If you …

Author: nat88lie
0 Votes
6 Answers
How many people were told about portable mesh nebulizers by their Doctor?

In a search for a nebulizer machine that worked on both plug in and or batteries ( which I could not find) I came across a "mesh nebulizer" on Amazon for 49 dollars US and purchased it. Used it and I am so mad I had to go threw so many gut wrenching …

Author: BKD73
0 Votes
4 Answers
Is it normal for emphysema to progress so quickly?

I was prompted to quit smoking in April when I was hospitalized with a lung hemorrhage. Of course a lung CT was preformed. Six weeks later my doctor ordered a follow-up lung CT. Imagine my surprise that the first line of the results of the second CT read …

Author: LisaCheryl
0 Votes
11 Answers
Asthma/COPD overlap at 31

Hi everyone, My name is Nick - I'm currently in the process of getting a diagnosis (which I am very confident will be COPD). I have that discussion coming up here on Monday with my pulmonologist. I've fallen into a pretty debilitating depression since …

Author: Fritz45
0 Votes
16 Answers
Symbicort and Muscle Cramps

When I saw my pulmonologist a few days ago, I mentioned the excruciating muscle cramps I have all over my body, both day and night.  He said that Symbicort was probably the culprit and that I should start taking quinine for them, either as tonic …

Author: Ben A
0 Votes
2 Answers
Helping anxiety

While many of us here are no strangers to anxiety I doubt that we could offer you much more than what @das23 suggested. A professional is your best course of action. While we can help with problems dealing with your COPD we really aren't in a position to …

Author: Nanifer5
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    It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.