When is an Exacerbation Worsening COPD?

This article was written by Jonnie Korinko, MSRC, RRT, RRT-ACCS.

Most people with COPD sometimes feel short of breath.1 If they feel this way more often or more severely, they are more likely to have exacerbations, which are sometimes called flare-ups.1 When people notice their symptoms and get help right away, they are less likely to have exacerbations.2

Knowing the Symptoms

Feeling breathless is common with COPD. Some people also notice a frequent cough and mucus in their chest. Other people may have wheezing and chest tightness.3

People with COPD need to be aware of their everyday symptoms to know when they are getting worse.

What is a COPD Exacerbation?

An exacerbation is when a person with COPD has sudden and severe worsening of their symptoms. These include:

  • Worsened shortness of breath.
  • More coughing and mucus in the chest.
  • More wheezing.

Exacerbations are sudden events that usually do not last long. However, the symptoms can be very strong and last weeks or months for some people. Most exacerbations happen because of infections, but irritating environmental factors can also cause them.3

The Link Between Worsening Symptoms and Exacerbations

Exacerbations make COPD worse. When someone has more exacerbations, their lung function gets worse more quickly. They may also have even more frequent exacerbations. Some people recover from exacerbations in a few weeks, but others may never breathe as well as they did before an exacerbation.3

Tips to Monitor and Manage Symptoms

Tracking symptoms can help people with COPD notice when an exacerbation may be approaching. The My COPD Action Plan is a tool that helps them decide when to call their health care provider or seek medical help. It is important for them to review this plan with their health care provider every six months to keep it accurate.

Recommended Resources: Listen to Dr. Mannino's Insights

Check out the latest episode of The COPD Foundation Podcast: Dr. Mannino and Valerie Chang discuss their perspectives on exacerbations. Dr. Mannino reviews common causes of COPD exacerbations and worsening symptoms. Valerie describes her experience in managing her symptoms and frequent exacerbations.


  1. Müllerová H, Lu C, Li H, Tabberer M. Prevalence and burden of breathlessness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease managed in primary care. PLoS One. 2014;9(1):e85540. Published 2014 Jan 10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085540
  2. Wilkinson TM, Donaldson GC, Hurst JR, Seemungal TA, Wedzicha JA. Early therapy improves outcomes of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2004;169:1298-1303. doi: 10.1164/rccm.200310-1443OC.
  3. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Global strategy for prevention, diagnosis and management of COPD: 2025 Report. [Accessed 2024 Dec]. Available from: https://goldcopd.org/2025-gold-report/

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