I’m very happy to join the COPD Foundation Captains! I attended last year’s IMPACT and found a great group of people making a difference for COPD patients and their families. Since then, I have become active in spreading the news about COPD through social media, emails to my representatives, and local meetings. I’m also involved with the Alpha 1 Foundation, Better Breathers, and participate as a peer group mentor supporting Pulmonary Rehab.
Finding out you have COPD can feel like a death knell, but it is not! Finding out you CAN make a difference in your own life and those of others gives a new perspective and energy; and meeting with like-minded people reinforces the impact we can all make.
I look forward to this next great experience!
I have many favorite quotes, so I can’t give just one~
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there!”
And I’m a real Tolkien fan, so:
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."