As a respiratory therapist, I am excited to utilize my skills, and background to advocate for COPD as a State Captain for Maryland. As a State Captain I hope to increase COPD awareness through engaging with state officials.
As a COPD advocate I have met, called, and emailed my elected officials, as well as have met with government agency officials. I have participated in health fairs and community events which promote COPD awareness, and I talk with friends and family about COPD.
As a State Captain, I am looking forward to participating, and promoting research to help find a cure, as well as working with state, local, and national officials to improve COPD Policy. Additionally, I am interested in hosting and participating in community fundraisers, writing about COPD to share my story, and connecting others in the COPD community to resources available so they can live healthier, fuller, lives.
My proudest COPD moment has been graduating from The Armstrong Institute of Patient Safety.
My inspiration to share is, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”- Albert Einstein