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Effectiveness of Interventions to Teach Metered-Dose and Diskus Inhaler Techniques. A Randomized Trial

Resource Type: Research Papers

Researchers conducted a randomized clinical trial comparing impacts of inpatient teach-to-goal inhaler instruction to brief education. Metered dose inhaler use at 30 days post-discharge did not differ significantly between groups; however, acute care events were significantly less common in the the teach-to-goal group at 30 days. Additional outcomes -- including Diskus technique; acute care events at 90 days; and differences in adherence, health literacy, site, and patient risk -- are discussed.

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Citation: Press VG, Arora VM, Trela KC, et al. Effectiveness of Interventions to Teach Metered-Dose and Diskus Inhaler Techniques. A Randomized Trial. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, Vol. 13(6); 2016: 816-824. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201509-603OC. Accessed March 12, 2020.
patient education treatment

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