Watch the documentary
"Remembering Leonard Nimoy"
"Remembering Leonard Nimoy: His Life, Legacy, and Battle With COPD" is a "fascinating" look into the life and career of Leonard Nimoy. Best known for playing the first Spock on "Star Trek," Nimoy was a Hollywood icon with numerous acting and directing credits, as well as a notable writer, poet, photographer and singer.
He was also one of the many millions of people impacted by COPD. Produced by his daughter Julie and her husband, David Knight, the documentary shares insights into Nimoy's childhood, his career, and his experience with quitting smoking and living with COPD until his passing in 2015.
David Knight and Julie Nimoy
Young Julie with Leonard Nimoy
The COPD Foundation is proud to partner with Health Point Productions to share "Remembering Leonard Nimoy" with the COPD community.
You can watch the film at an upcoming in-person screening. For a $15 contribution supporting the Foundation, you can watch and download the film for viewing at home.